A Comparative Analysis of
Geometry Education on Curriculum
Standards, Textbook Structure, and
Textbook Items between the U.S.
and Korea
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University of Iowa, USA
University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Publication date: 2013-12-14
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2013;9(4):379-391
This study compares American and Korean curriculum standards, textbooks, and
geometry items to help explain the consistent differences that have been found between
the achievement levels of U.S. and Korean students in the Program for International
Student Assessment (PISA) mathematics. Since PISA measures the mathematical
proficiency of 15-year-old students, this study focuses primarily on 8th-grade curriculum
standards and textbooks. The findings provide valuable information for curriculum
designers and textbook editors to help improve the quality of geometry curricula and
textbooks. Teachers can also use these findings to assess the proficiency levels of items in
the textbooks they use, so that they can develop lesson plans appropriate to the ability of
their students and select relevant problems for their classes.