A Confirmatory Structural Equation
Model of Achievement Estimated
by Dichotomous Attitudes, Interest,
and Conceptual Understanding
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Bilkent University, Ankara, TURKEY
Seoul National University, Seoul, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
Publication date: 2010-12-22
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2010;6(4):271-285
Many models in science education have tried to clarify the causal relationships of affective
variables on student performance, by presenting theoretical models, exploratory SEM
(structural equation models), and confirmatory SEM. Based on the literature, the recent
AS-TI-CU model scrutinised the most robust stimuli of conceptual understanding (CU):
intrinsic attitude towards science (AS) and topic interest (TI). However, the confirmatory
model has not been extended to estimate how students achieve in the secondary science or
in Korea where student’s disengagement in science is prevalent. Sampling 10th- and 11thgraders
in Korea (N = 219), this study thus aims to clarify how the forth factor “school
achievement (SA)” interacts in the structural equation modelling. The multiple-group SEM
analysis in AMOS7 reveals that student’s intrinsic AS stimulates their school achievement
in both graders and that their topic interest abnormally discourages school achievement
only in the 11th-graders. The findings provide explanations for the latent threats of
negative attitudes and for the “age 14’s dip”. Lastly, how to form a theory of persuasion of
attitude change is discussed for a further research question.