A Holistic Approach for Science
Education For All
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Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, ISRAEL
Publication date: 2007-06-22
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2007;3(2):111-118
This article suggests that a genuine reform endeavor towards the “Science for All”
paradigm should adopt a holistic approach. There are several countries around the world
that adopted the "Science for All" paradigm at the beginning of the 21st century. However,
while looking closely at the amount of change that took place in schools following the new
paradigm, it seems that like previous reforms, there is a gap between the rhetoric and the
actual change. A series of studies indicate that Earth systems science approach is much
effective than the traditional "science for all" approach. While implementing it correctly, it
succeeds to attract students from both groups – the high achievers group and the much
bigger group of students to whom the traditional science programs were frequently
inaccessible. Both groups found the Earth System approach attractive and interesting and
both gained a significant amount of knowledge and understanding. However, the earth
systems approach alone will not be enough and in order to attract most of the students
and in addition such programs should be based on a holistic approach that should also
include the following characteristics: (1) Learning in an authentic and relevant context as
much as possible. (2) Organizing the learning in a sequence that shifts gradually from the
concrete to the abstract. (3) Adjusting the learning for variant abilities learners. (4)
Integrating the outdoor environment as an integral and central component of the learning
process. (5) Focusing on both the cognitive and the emotional aspects of learning.