A New Perspective on Design Education: A “Creative Production-Manufacturing Model” in “The Maker Movement” Context
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National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Publication date: 2016-03-20
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Xiang-Ming Zhong   

Graduate School of Design, National Dunlin University of Science & Technology, Graduate School of Design, 123 University Road, Section 3,, 64002 Douliu, Taiwan
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2016;12(5):1389-1398
When “The Maker Movement” started, it made a great impact and influence on many aspects of society. The Maker Movement has transformed industries as well as people’s way of life and thinking. For this reason, many people decided to create something by turning their ideas to tangible products. Media has become a bridge that connects people to each other and to reality. It is also a tool which controls relationships. “Efficiency” has been replaced by creativity based on the economic market model, and creativity links up with capitalism. The aim of this article is to establish a “creative production-manufacturing” process based on “The Maker Movement” context along with the relationship between “media-as-tools” and “creative production-manufacturing”. The article also discusses how the media impact the “creative production-manufacturing” process as tools. Lastly, it presents the possibilities of interaction between a “creative production-manufacturing” model and design education.
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