A Study of the Effects of Digital Learning on Learning Motivation and Learning Outcome
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Graduate Institute of Cultural and Creative Design, Tung-Fang Design Institute, Taiwan
Department of Digital Technology Design, Tung-Fang Design Institute, Taiwan
Department of Interior Design, Tung-Fang Design Institute, Thanks
Publication date: 2017-06-15
Corresponding author
Ming-Hung Lin
Graduate Institute of Cultural and Creative Design, Tung-Fang Design Institute, Taiwan, College of Economics and Finance City, Fujian Province, China, 362021 Quanzhou, China
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(7):3553-3564
In the modern society when intelligent mobile devices become popular, the Internet breaks through the restrictions on time and space and becomes a ubiquitous learning tool. Designing teaching activity for digital learning and flexibly applying technology tools are the key issues for current information technology integrated education.
Material and methods:
In this study, students are tested and proceeded questionnaire survey to understand the opinions about digital learning. To effectively achieve the research objectives and test the research hypotheses, quasi-experimental research is applied in this study. Total 116 students in 4 classes are selected as the research subjects for the instructional research.
The research results conclude that 1.digital learning presents better positive effects on learning motivation than traditional teaching does, 2.digital learning shows better positive effects on learning outcome than traditional teaching does, 3.learning motivation reveals significantly positive effects on learning effect in learning outcome, and 4.learning motivation appears remarkably positive effects on learning gain in learning outcome.
It is expected to combine with current teaching trend and utilize the advantages of digital learning to develop practicable teaching strategies for the teaching effectiveness.