Being affected by the rapid change in internal and external environments in past years, the fiercer competition has resulted in the declination of toy industry. For the sustained-yield management, toy manufacturers have been searching for strategies. In the consumer-oriented era, an enterprise has to precede statistics education of toy designers so that the market survey could accurately analyze consumer needs to establish differential products for creating product value and meeting consumer needs. The supervisors, employees, and customers of Traxxas are the major research subjects for the questionnaire survey in this study. Total 300 copies of questionnaire are distributed and 236 valid copies are retrieved, with the retrieval rate 79%. The research results reveal significantly positive correlations between 1.product design and purchase intention, 2.statistics education and product design, and 3.statistics education and purchase intention. According to the results, suggestions are proposed, expecting to assist domestic toy manufacturers in the future development of product design for the sustained-yield management.
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