A Study on the Effects of Dual Network Embeddedness on Organizational Learning and Internationalization Performance
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Zhejiang Normal University, China
Publication date: 2017-06-16
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Jie yi Li   

School of Economics and Management Zhejiang Normal University, College of Economics and Finance City, Fujian Province, China, 362021 Quanzhou, China
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):5519-5529
Knowledge is an endless resource as well as the key source of competitive advantage for enterprises. In the era of globalization with knowledge economy and network economy, the internationalization growth of enterprises is facing new challenges. Under such situations, an enterprise has to stress on the resource integration of internal network and reduce international business risks by developing the external network relationship to enhance the internationalization performance. With on-site questionnaire distribution and collection, enterprises with export-oriented manufacturing in Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang areas are distributed 400 copies of questionnaire in this study. Total 302 valid copies are retrieved, with the retrieval rate 75.5%. The research results are summarized as below. 1. Dual network embeddedness presents significantly positive effects on organizational learning. 2. Dual network embeddedness shows remarkably positive effects on internationalization performance. 3. Organizational learning reveals notably positive effects on internationalization performance. It is expected to apply the research results to the internationalization growth or transnational business development of enterprises, to enhance the strategic performance and financial performance, and to be the reference for research on network embeddedness and organizational learning.
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