Within the realm of mathematics education, the examination of textbooks has emerged as a focal
point of scholarly investigation. This endeavor necessitates the development of a comprehensive
instrument capable of facilitating both qualitative and quantitative textbook analysis. To address
this need, we draw upon a corpus of seminal studies, and supplement our analysis with local
research reports that assess the quality of mathematics textbooks through a qualitative content
analysis approach. Content analysis was utilized to examine the documents and identify the
themes relevant to the analysis of mathematics textbooks. Our data analysis revealed the
identification of six overarching themes for the systematic evaluation of mathematics textbooks:
(1) language and communication, (2) content analysis, (3) pedagogical approach, (4) cultural
sensitivity and inclusivity, (5) assessment and exercises, and (6) visual aids and presentation. Each
of these themes is meticulously expounded upon, shedding light on their significance in shaping
the intricacies of mathematics textbook authorship. This proposed analytical framework presents
an invaluable resource for enhancing the quality of mathematics textbooks at the school level.
The themes elucidated herein offer a structured approach to textbook assessment, ultimately
fostering the advancement of mathematical education by improving the instructional materials
that are integral to the teaching and learning process.
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