This study aims to investigate the technological pedagogical content knowledge levels of teachers and their self-efficacy in educational technology standards. Also, the difference between the mean scores of the teachers in different branches from the Scale of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and its sub factors and Scale for Educational Technology Standards (ETS) and its sub factors were analyzed. The distribution and correlation of teachers’ TPACK scores and their self-efficacy in educational technology standards in terms of sub-factors and general averages were analyzed. The sample was composed of 54 teachers at various schools located in Ankara. The descriptive statistics showed that the teachers’ scores were above the average for all TPACK and ETS scales, including the scale sub-factors. Also a significant difference between the mean scores of the teachers in different branches from TPACK and ETS scales and their sub factors was not determined. Further, moderate positive and significant correlations were found between ETS and TPACK total scores.
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