Analysis of Prospective Classroom Teachers’ Teaching of Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving
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Publication date: 2012-05-12
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Özlem Doğan-Temur   

Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, TURKEY
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2012;8(2):83-93
ERRATUM: The initially published version of this paper erroneously contained the title that was given before revisions as follows: Analysis of Primary School Student Teachers’ Applications of Solving and Modeling in Mathematics Questions
This qualitative research is based on mathematical problem solving and modeling. In this study I analyzed 39 junior year prospective classroom teachers’ experiences while they were enrolled in the “Teaching Experience” course and visiting public primary schools. More specifically, I examined teaching mathematical problem solving and modeling by content analysis of the qualitative data. The participants were given a six-hours training about problem solving and modeling prior to data collection. The findings were as follows: prospective teachers i) became more familiar with the nature of problem solving after the teaching practice; ii) they had difficulties in choosing problems and in teaching due to insufficient experience; iii) they had difficulties in finding non-routine problem situations; iv) they formed sympathy for mathematics teaching through problem solving approach by using modeling; v) the pupils at the host schools were willing to engage in such activities, and they used positive expressions about their learning experiences.
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