Asynchronous Online Collaboration
as a Flexible Learning Activity and
an Authentic Assessment Method in
an Undergraduate Mathematics
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Queensland University of Technology, AUSTRALIA
Publication date: 2008-04-22
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2008;4(2):143-151
Online collaboration exercises were used as part of a diverse assessment package for an
undergraduate differential equations course. Online collaboration served as a highly
effective method for promoting and assessing generic graduate capabilities such as writing
in a context-relevant manner and the development of self-awareness with regard to
mathematical strengths and limitations. We present a number of examples of
collaborations which can be broadly classified as "illustrative" or "corrective" in nature.
The assessment strategy was found to be valid and largely reliable, although a number of
issues arose with regard to reliability of peer-provided, formative feedback. These issues
are addressed and suggestions for overcoming them are presented. Finally, a discussion of
the successes of the strategy is presented along with a number of examples of positive
outcomes resulting from the use of online collaboration as a learning activity.