Competitive Teacher for Higher Education: Risk-Based Models of its Development
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Laboratory of Humanistic Approach in Education, Moscow City University, Moscow, RUSSIA
Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, RUSSIA
Department of Pedagogy of Higher Education, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, RUSSIA
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education, K. G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management (the First Cossack University), Moscow, RUSSIA
Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow, RUSSIA
Department of Public Administration and Social Technologies, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, RUSSIA
Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, RUSSIA
Publication date: 2021-08-24
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2021;17(10):em2021
The significance of the research is determined by its scientific and practical significance. The modern global transformation of the world, in particular, automation, greening, the growing complexity of global risks and challenges, a network-centric society, a digital environment and many other aspects have led to the fact that the society in which the individual lives his life can rightfully be called a VUCA world. The VUCA world is a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. This is the world of “turbulent time” or “perfect storm”, when all the factors complicating the situation converge at one time and at one point. Changes in the social, economic and geopolitical spheres associated with digitalization and a change in the technological structure start having a wider impact on many spheres including the education system. “Skills of the future” of both a specialist and a teacher are becoming an increasingly topical problem, while the issue related to the formation of a resource educational environment and the architectonics development of the required competences of the teacher’s personality in the face of the VUCA world come to the fore in the tasks of academic science. The article is aimed at solving the problem of determining the structure, content and conditions for the implementation of pedagogical support to enhance the competitiveness of a higher education teacher for a VUCA world, as well as ensuring the effective formation of teachers’ noxological competences for a VUCA world in the information and educational environment of a higher education institution. The designed pedagogical support will contribute to the effective organization of career development and professional growth of a higher education teacher for a VUCA world. The results of the study will make it possible to contribute to the development of the theory and methodology of higher education in terms of scientific substantiation and selection of the content to form a teacher’s noxological competence in the information and educational environment of a higher education institution for a VUCA world. Giving a more detailed content and precise structure of the teacher’s noxological competence and the proposed classification of modern risks of the educational environment will complement the theoretical foundations of pedagogical risk studies. A model of pedagogical support for the formation of noxological competences of future teachers which is to be theoretically substantiated will give an opportunity to determine the capabilities and technologies of using risk factors in pedagogical education. The expected results are believed to contribute to the solution to the problem of VUCA undertaken by the world social and humanitarian scientific community, which the modern education system in general faces and all subjects of the educational process, in particular.
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