Content, Interaction, or Both? Synthesizing Two German Traditions in a Video Study on Learning to Explain in Mathematics Classroom Microcultures
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TU Dortmund University, GERMANY
Publication date: 2014-12-15
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2014;10(4):313-327
How do students learn to explain? We take this exemplary research question for present-ing two antagonist traditions in German mathematics education research and their synthe-sis in an ongoing video study. These two traditions are (1) the German Didaktik approach that can be characterized by its epistemologically sensitive analyses and specifications of mathematical contents, and (2) the interactionist approach. By presenting the theoretical framework and some empirical insights, the article shows that learning to explain can be conceptualized as increasingly participating in navigating practices through different epis-temic fields.