Designing a System for English Evaluation and Teaching Devices: A PZB and TAM Model Analysis
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National Penghu University of Science and Technology, Makung, TAIWAN
Online publication date: 2018-03-10
Publication date: 2018-03-10
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2018;14(6):2107-2119
This paper discusses an English evaluation and teaching system consisting of several parts. The first part is a database comprising numerous subdatabases, which store login data and various levels of test questions of different levels. The second part is an arithmetic processing unit with a login module that produces a login interface to receive users’ accounts and passwords. The login module is electronically connected to the database system so that the module can verify the input accounts and passwords with the login data stored in the database. The unit also randomly selects questions from different levels to form evaluation sets and generates an evaluation interface. In addition, the device features an input unit for inputting instructions and a display unit to display interfaces during use. Knowledge innovation and management accelerates with the prevalence of online assessment and learning because it has no difficulties in breaking through the limits of both space and time. Previous studies developing English evaluation and teaching device systems have rarely been researched from the dual perspective of developing the information technology system and learning and teaching language. Utilising the technology acceptance model as our fundamental theory to design the use of learning system is a must for the English e-learners.
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