Curiosity is the inner drive for learning or ‘hunger for learning’ which is among the twenty-first-century learning competencies. Students in their earliest stage ought to exhibit curiosity to stir-up knowledge acquisition and exploration, yet the development of curiosity in the context of
education is considered to be unusual. This research assesses how chemistry students develop
and express curiosity in a hands-on learning environment. A sample of 169 senior three students
from three community secondary schools in Dar es Salaam was involved in this study. Besides, the
study examined how hands-on activities in chemistry lessons can be incorporated as a
pedagogical practice to foster students’ curiosity. The study employed a convergent mixed
method design in (QUAL+quant) form following a pragmatic stance. We used lesson observations,
interviews, and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) to gather qualitative data while quantitative data
were obtained through the Students’ Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SSRQ) and Teacher Rating
Scale (TRS). It was revealed that hands-on activities can successfully be used when teachers share
success criteria and learning intentions of a particular lesson. The overall results showed a
significant increase in students’ curiosity due to the implementation of hands-on activities as an
instructional strategy. In this perspective, we advocate for hands-on activities to be used
frequently in chemistry lesson sessions and more studies should be done further on students’
curiosity in the field of education.
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