Developing the Principal Technology Leadership Competency Indicators for Technical High Schools in K-12 in Taiwan
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National Changhua University of Education
Publication date: 2017-06-15
Corresponding author
Wen-Jye Shyr   

National Changhua University of Education, No.1, Jin-De Road, Changhua 500, Taiwan, 500 Changhua, Taiwan
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(6):2085-2093
The purpose of this study was to develop principal technology leadership competency indicators for technical high schools in Taiwan in order to improve the effectiveness of school administration and teaching.

Material and methods:
In the first part of the study, five experts in the technology leadership field are interviewed to explore the technology leadership theorem model. In the second part of the study, eighteen experts in technology leadership and principals of technical high schools are recruited as subjects. Using the Delphi technique, questionnaires are constructed to assess competency indicators for principal technology leadership. In the third part, the data from the questionnaire are analyzed using a KS-test and Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks.

Finally, six dimensions and thirty competency indicators of the principal technology leadership of technical high schools in Taiwan were established.

The final 30 competency indicators revealed how important it was for a consensus to be obtained for establishing principal technology leadership. The analyses found that the process for obtaining consensus progressed as anticipated and that it was successful in identifying and validating the competency indicators demanded for principal technology leadership. The data analyses revealed decreased standard deviation and increased means, both of which are indicative of good consensus.

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