Development of the Attitude Scale Towards Crisis and Chaos Management in Education
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Near East University, Ataturk Faculty of Education, Nicosia, N. CYPRUS
Online publication date: 2017-11-05
Publication date: 2017-11-05
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(11):7381-7389
This article has been presented in ICES 2017 - International Conference on Environmental Sciences & Educational Studies. This article belongs to the special issue " Interdisciplinary Research on the Environmental Education, Educational Studies in Sustainability & Instructional Technologies and Designs".
This study was carried out with the aim of developing the Attitude Scale towards Crisis and Chaos Management of Higher Education Administrators. Firstly, literature search was carried out in the development process of the scale. Then, 10 open-ended questions were asked to 10 Higher Education administrators about crisis and chaos management. By using the obtained data and expert opinions, a 58-point item pool was created. Expert opinions were consulted to ensure content validity. Corrections were made in line with the opinions and recommendations of the experts. Five items similar to each other that were not attitude item were removed from the scale. After the corrections made, the item pool was reduced to 53 items. The items created are of the five-point likert type and evaluted as I certainly do not agree (1), I do not agree (2), indecisive (3), I agree (4), I strongly agree (5). Pilot scheme was conducted with a total of 305 higher education administrators and academicians working at Ankara, Gazi, Başkent, and Hacettepe universities in spring semester 2016-2017. The KMO value of the scale was found to be 0,696. As a result of the factor analysis, it was determined that the 25 scale items were collected in 3 factors and the total variance of scale was 78.587%. 25 items with an item load higher than .40 were included to the scale. Loads of the items in the final scale consisting of 3 factors and 25 items are between .42 and .80. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient of the final scale was calculated as 0.87 and found to be highly reliable. The results of item analysis based on averages of the upper and lower groups of all the items in the scale were found to be significantly distinctive (p <.05). It is thought that this research will contribute to higher education administrators and academicians and researches to be done in the field of crisis and chaos management.
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