Dynamic Credibility Evaluation on High-tech Enterprise Partners in Knowledge Collaboration Using a SPA-Markov Model
Yi Su 1
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School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, CHINA
Online publication date: 2017-11-24
Publication date: 2017-11-24
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(12):8213-8225
This article belongs to the special issue "Problems of Application Analysis in Knowledge Management and Science-Mathematics-Education".
An evaluation on high-tech enterprise research and development (R&D) is of great necessity for boosting innovative economy and high-tech industry in the era of knowledge economy. However, high-tech enterprises cannot fully understand their partners’ R&D capabilities and cooperative tendencies due to information asymmetry. Driven by interest, opportunistic behaviors might emerge, reducing trust and affecting efficient R&D cooperation. To explore R&D partners’ credibility and avoid opportunistic behaviors, this study establishes an evaluation index system on the credibility of high-tech enterprise partners based on literature extraction and law relationship. The SPA-Markov Model has been adopted to dynamically evaluate the credibility in knowledge collaboration. Finally, HS, the China FAW Tooling Die Manufacturing’s partner, is case-studied to verify feasibility of the model. The results are as follows: (1) Social environment, partner competence, partnership and collaborative potential are key indexes measuring partner credibility. (2) The SPA-Model Model could figure out changes and trends of the credibility. (3) The credibility of high-tech enterprise partners might fluctuate in collaboration. According to the study, the SPA-Model Model is feasible for assessing the credibility, which makes up for static evaluation and provides novel ideas on evaluation and optimization of high-tech enterprise partners.
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