Dynamic Simulation of Mechanism in Theory Mechanics Teaching
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Anhui Science & Technology University, CHINA
Online publication date: 2017-08-23
Publication date: 2017-08-23
Corresponding author
Tong-Jie Li   

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui Science & Technology University, China. Address to No. 9, Donghua Rd., Fengyang City 233100, Anhui. Tel: +0550-6734666
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):5997-6004
A new teaching method is put forward in theory mechanics teaching practice. This new teaching method advocate the application of numerical simulation in theory mechanics teaching practice foster the ability of grasping the whole process of a kinematic period of the mechanism from a macroscopic view. By using dynamic simulation technology of mechanism, the mechanical engineer can realize the process of mechanism motion animation simulation and decrease the difficulty of students understanding of the mechanism motion process. Dynamic simulation technology can also provide important reference for the following mechanism design and set up the theoretical study and engineering practice.
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