Effect of Middle School Students’ Motivation to Learn Technology on Their Attitudes toward Engineering
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Department of Technology and Home-Economics Education, Kongju National University Gongju, Republic of Korea
Publication date: 2016-06-29
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Hyuksoo Kwon
Department of Technology and Home-Economics Education, Kongju National University Gongju, Republic of Korea, Room 104 Human Ecology and Art Hall, Gongjudahakro 56, Gongju, Chungnam, Republic of Korea, 32588 Gongju, Korea (South)
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2016;12(9):2281-2294
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of motivation to learn technology, as perceived by South Korean middle school students, on their attitudes toward engineering. Using the instruments of Glynn et al. (2011) and Lee (2008), the study focused on eighth and ninth grade students in four middle schools located in South Korea’s larger cities. The study identified a positive correlation between middle school students’ motivation to learn technology and their attitudes toward engineering. Also, the engineering interest was found to be mostly affected by motivation to learn technology; and the engineering curriculum and engineering consequence, by career motivation. Based on the educational implications of these study findings, this essay discusses the implementation of engineering in the middle school technology curriculum.