Effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR) on Students’ Achievement and Motivation in Learning Science
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School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, MALAYSIA
Publication date: 2022-03-25
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2022;18(4):em2097
This study aimed to determine the impact of an augmented reality (AR) application, NutricARd, on students’ achievement and motivation. The mixed-methods research seeks to ascertain the influence of AR-NutricARd learning cards on the motivation and achievement of form 2 science students. There were 50 participants in this study. The NutricARd applications, which had undergone rigorous design and development research, were employed for the treatment group. Each of the control and experimental groups had 25 participants. The control group used existing AR features in textbooks provided by the Malaysia Ministry of Education. The study revealed that there is a significant difference in achievement between the treatment and control groups. Pre-tests and post-tests, as well as a procedure for semi-structured interviews, were employed as research tools in this study. The paired t-test results showed that there was also a significant difference in students’ motivation. The semi-structured interview showed that AR-NutricARd has the capabilities and intriguing aspects that encourage students to engage with the science subject. The findings of the study also showed that there is a significant relationship between motivation and achievement. Thus, a higher motivation implies increased student achievement.
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