This research aims to explain the effect of learning styles and locus of focus on the decision-making styles of leader managers. Therefore; firstly the learning styles, locus of control, decision-making styles were identified, then the relationship between the learning style and locus of control were analysed and the effects of learning styles and locus of control on the decision-making styles were investigated. Three scales were used for the research. The Decision-Making Styles Scale (DMSS) was developed by Scott and Bruce (1995) and adapted in Turkish by Taşdelen (2002). The Locus of Control Scale was developed by Dağ (2002) through using the Internal-External Locus of Control Scale of Rotter (1966) to identify the locus of control centre. Kolb Learning Style Inventory was developed by Kolb and translated and adapted to Turkish by Aşkar and Akkoyunlu (1993). The research covers the school principals, head vice principals and vice principals of state high schools of Ministry of Education located in İzmir. The findings were analysed in SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 20.0 programs. The results of research indicate that the leader managers mainly use the rational decision-making styles. Learning styles and locus of control are partially effective on the decision-making styles and the locus of control is effective on the learning style of participants.
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