Effects of Senior Simulation Program for Nursing Students: An integrated Study in South Korea
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Kongju National University, SOUTH KOREA
Online publication date: 2017-07-04
Publication date: 2017-07-04
Corresponding author
Hyuksoo Kwon
Kongju National University, Room 104 Human Ecology and Art Hall, Gongjudahakro 56, Gongju, Chungnam, Republic of Korea, 32588 Gongju, Korea (South)
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):4437-4447
This research is an integrated study conducted to identify the effects and experiences of the senior simulation applied to nursing students on those students’ attitudes toward seniors.
The effects were verified after conducting the senior simulation with 70 nursing students from March 1 to June 30, 2015.
As the result of this study, the attitudes were researched and analyzed; they turned more negative after the simulation than before the simulation, but they turned significantly positive after the sharing of thoughts with others, so that the simulation had the final effect of enhancing attitudes. Qualitative measurements showed the enhancement of participants’ understanding of seniors, a regret of past actions, and a consideration for their own later years, along with the will of the nursing students in their future nursing, as they mentioned that this experience had been positive.
The senior simulation is an effective mediation of an empathic understanding of students toward seniors, and the simulation should be utilized in nursing education. Also, through the development of various forms of education programs to include senior simulation programs, and by securing enough simulation time for their operation, methods to heighten the educational effect of these programs need to be pursued.
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