European University of Lefke, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research
European University of Lefke, North Cyprus
Online publication date: 2017-06-20
Publication date: 2017-08-17
Corresponding author
Çağda Kıvanç Çağanağa
European University of Lefke, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Mersin 10 Gemikonağı, North Cyprus
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):5445-5463
The aim of this research is to evaluate the school and classroom rules of primary schools in Northern Cyprus in accordance with the classroom teachers’ opinions. In this research, conducted within this scope of this particular aim, the qualitative method of interviewing has been utilised. The research’s population consists of classroom teachers who teach Turkish, Mathematics, Science and Technology and Social Sciences employed in primary schools in Northern Cyprus. The sample group of the research is formed of 55 classroom teachers chosen with the maximum variation sampling method. A semi-structured interview form developed by researchers for classroom teachers has been used as the data gathering tool of the research. Case study was also used in this qualitative research as a research model. The implementation period of the research has been executed as an interview method after receiving the necessary permission from Northern Cyprus Ministry of Education, Department of Primary Education and afterwards, face-to-face interviews were carried out with the classroom teachers of the sample group to gather the research data. In light of this study which concerns the school and classroom rules in primary education institutions, certain suggestions were put forward.
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