Examining Incoming Identities in an
Alternative Certification Program in
Mathematics and Science
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University of Missouri – Columbia, USA
Publication date: 2008-04-22
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2008;4(2):169-182
In response to the shortage of qualified secondary mathematics and science teachers in the
United States, alternative certification programs (ACPs) are proliferating. This study used
identity as a theoretical lens to examine the incoming identities of 19 participants with
post-baccalaureate degrees who entered an ACP. Within this cohort, the participants'
incoming teacher identities ranged from "Always a Teacher" to "Late Deciders" to "Career
Explorers." Participants held multiple non-teaching identities, some which supported their
teacher identities (e.g., parent, tutor) while other identities (e.g., college instructor) created
tension. Implications include recommendations for alternative certification program
development and further research.