Research reveals that many mathematics teachers find it difficult to stimulate learners' interest in
learning geometry. One major reason suggested is that geometric concepts are not well
conceptualised and comprehended by both learners and teachers. The study explored learners’
views on how polygon pieces and dictionary mediate learning of geometry. Nine Grade 8 learners
were purposely selected from the cohort of 56 learners based on the diagnostic test results. By
employing a qualitative approach through exploration data were gathered from semi- structured
interviews and document analysis was implemented and reported in themes. The study found that
polygon pieces with mathematics dictionary enhance learners’ learning of geometry through
geometric inquiry. Polygon pieces assisted learners with geometric conceptualisation through
cutting, constructing and measuring of angles and line segments. The dictionary enhanced
learners’ geometric vocabulary by transferring informal vocabulary. We recommend mathematics
teachers to integrate polygon pieces assisted by mathematics dictionary in the teaching and
learning of mathematics.
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