Using computer simulations in science education can facilitate the achievement of several
educational objectives, including a thorough grasp of scientific concepts and an understanding
of the scientific method. This research aimed to evaluate the extent of rural science educators’
technology integration self-efficacy when using simulations in teaching. The research was guided
by Bandura’s (1986) social cognitive theory and focused on four key influencers of self-efficacy in
educators: enactive mastery experience, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and affective
state. The study’s demographic was all science educators in a rural district, with participants
selected through convenience sampling. The survey instrument’s reliability and validity were
established through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. The outcomes indicated that
the science educators possessed a high level of self-efficacy in integrating technology through
simulations, with no notable differences based on gender or education level. There was a
statistically significant effect of teaching experience and school socioeconomic factors on the
educators’ technology integration self-efficacy.
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