Facilitating Reflexivity in Preservice Science Teacher Education Using Video Analysis and Cogenerative Dialogue in Field-Based Methods Courses
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The University of Luxembourg, LUXEMBOURG
Seoul National University, KOREA
Publication date: 2014-12-15
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2014;10(5):481-508
This paper presents an approach to preservice science teacher education coupling video analysis with dialogue as tools for fostering teachers‟ ability to notice and reflexively interpret events captured during teaching practicum with the intent of transforming classroom practice. In this approach, video becomes a tool with which teachers connect theory and practice, and through dialogue, develop an appreciation for how one can inform the other. Specifically, we explore the role of cogenerative dialogue in structuring individual reflection and ongoing dialogue that help facilitate reflexivity. In doing so, we elaborate on the construct of reflexivity as a potential foundation for changing practices in the science classroom and we illustrate the ways in which reflexivity and action emerged from dialogic encounters around video analysis. We draw implications about the need for innovative teaching strategies, research initiatives, and changes in science teacher education