Using mobile learning (m-learning) to study English as a foreign language (EFL) has provided new
opportunities for innovative learning, particularly for today’s younger generation who have grown
up with digital technology. It can effectively promote teaching and learning by maintaining
students’ engagement. This study aimed to investigate the factors that influence university
students’ acceptance of m-learning for EFL in Taiwan. A survey questionnaire was administered to
327 participants, and the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, one-way ANOVA,
and Pearson’s correlation. The results indicated that all factors received relatively high scores, with
perceived ease of use, attitude toward use receiving the highest scores. This suggests that
students widely accept m-learning as a means of studying EFL. The key to creating a successful
m-learning experience is for students to accept it as an educational tool and be willing to use it.
Therefore, it is recommended that m-learning be considered as a potential tool to improve EFL
students’ language proficiency.
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