False Reality or Hidden Messages:
Reading Graphs Obtained in
Computerized Biological
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University of Maribor, SLOVENIA
University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
Publication date: 2012-01-12
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2012;8(2):129-137
Information and communication technology (ICT) has become an inseparable part of
schoolwork and a goal of education to prepare scientifically literate and digitally
competent citizens. Yet the introduction of computers into school work has been much
slower than its introduction in other spheres of life. Teachers’ lack of knowledge/skills
and difficulty in integrating ICT into instruction affect the realization of computer-related
goals in schools. Another hidden obstacle that can affect the introduction of computers
into the Biology laboratory can be discomfort with the interpretation of graphs obtained
by data-loggers. We can group these difficulties with graph outcomes into 4 areas: 1)
Explanations of the curves that lie beyond the domain of Biology, in Physics, Chemistry
or some other discipline; 2) Hardware properties; 3) Unknown properties of experimental
components; 4) Occasional equipment breakdowns or crashes.