Fee Waiver Policy for Doctoral Students


The EJMSTE offers a publication fee assistance (PFA) program to doctoral students. When doctoral students submit a manuscript stemming from their doctoral dissertation, they will be eligible for fully paid publication fees (PFs). Details of the award are given below.

  • A manuscript must be written based on an author's doctoral dissertation and should include a part or the full doctoral dissertation.
  • Manuscripts that do not stem from the authors' doctoral dissertation will not be considered for PFA.
  • Application for PFA is made before a manuscript is submitted for publication.
  • The authors should send an email to ejmste@ejmste.com along with their dissertation prospectus.
  • A decision is given to the author within 7 business days.
  • An author can publish only one article in the PFA program.
  • The starting date to submit a paper is January 1, 2018.
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