Fostering Conceptual Change by Cognitive Conflict Based Instruction on Students' Understanding of Heat and Temperature Concepts
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Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey
Publication date: 2006-06-23
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2006;2(2):96-114
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive conflict based physics
instruction over traditionally designed physics instruction on preservice primary school teachers at grade 2. The subjects
were 82 (27 boys, 55 girls) second grade pre-service teachers in two classes. One of the classes (42 students) was
randomly assigned as experimental and the other class (40 students) assigned as control group. Both groups were taught
by the same instructor. While the experimental group received cognitive conflict based physics instruction, control
group were taught by traditionally designed physics instruction. The data were obtained through Thermal Concept
Evaluation test (TCE). Prior to instruction, students in both groups were pre-tested by TCE in order to determine their
initial understanding of heat and temperature at the beginning of instruction. The same tests were applied as posttest
after the instruction. Independent samples t-test on pre-test scores showed that there was no statistical significant
difference between experimental and control group at the beginning of the instruction in terms of understanding of heat
and temperature concepts. ANCOVA results showed that mean scores on the post-TCE of students in experimental
group were significantly higher than those of the control group. While interaction between gender difference and
treatment made a significant contribution to the variation in achievement, gender difference did not.