From Handicraft to Technologies: Historical Development of Handicraft Education in General Schools in Lithuania
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Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, LITHUANIA
Online publication date: 2019-09-16
Publication date: 2019-09-16
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2020;16(1):em1805
Technologies is one of the subjects in general education that have been influenced by political, economic, technological, social and cultural developments. The teaching of this practical subject has been a historical component of the curriculum for many decades. This reflected the needs of society to provide the younger generation with the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure their smooth integration into the labour market. During specific periods, the content of the subject did not change significantly, despite historic disruptions in the economic, political and cultural context and these were reflected in the guidelines of Technologies programs. This has been demonstrated in the analysis of content of general education programmes and textbooks of Technologies in Lithuania.
From the time the subject was introduced, pupils were taught practical skills for employment in industry, as well as to perform household work and promote traditional Handicraft. State institutions steered Lithuanian public education towards industry-oriented, manual training and attempted to direct Lithuanian girls and boys into industrial production. However, the textbooks reflect the traditional view of what Lithuania’s people needed, namely basic knowledge of how to manage domestic life, and promote Handicraft and national traditions.
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