Higher Education Curricula Designing on the Basis of the Regional Labour Market Demands
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Dezhou University, China
Vyatka State University, Russia
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Russia
Online publication date: 2017-06-18
Publication date: 2017-06-18
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(7):2805-2819
The relevance of the research problem is reasoned by the need to develop conceptual approaches and technologies for designing educational curricula based on current and prospective order for specialists’ training from educational services’ consumers – regional entities of the labor market. The goal of the article lies in justification of the concepts and techniques of educational curricula designing that are based on joint activities of the University and employers to determine the needs in employees for the regional labor market; to formulate requirements on the basis of professional standards to the qualification characteristics of graduates; to develop the content of the basic professional educational curricula. Leading research methods for this problem were: pedagogical modeling and design, study of the universities’ experience, questionnaires, pedagogical experiment, as well as methods of mathematical statistics, which allowed completely, explore the effectiveness of educational curricula design and carry out their correction taking into account the requirements of the regional labor market. The article reveals the concept and technology of educational curricula designing, including pre-project analysis; definition of design idea and construction of the curriculum concept; development of the content and main components of the curriculum and its testing; assessment of the design effectiveness. The role of the regional labor market’s entities at different stages of high educational curriculum development is justified. The materials of the article can be useful for the universities’ development of the basic professional educational curricula, the basic and optional parts’ content of educational curricula; at curricula and projects’ development in the sphere of professional education.
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