How Pre-service Teachers’ Understand
and Perform Science Process Skills
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA
Publication date: 2012-01-12
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2012;8(3):167-176
This study explored pre-service teachers’ conceptual understanding and performance on
science process skills. A sample comprised 91 elementary pre-service teachers at a
university in the Midwest of the USA. Participants were enrolled in two science education
courses; introductory science teaching methods course and advanced science methods
course. Data were collected through a questionnaire. Results showed that pre-service
teachers had limited conceptual understanding of science process skills. On the other
hand, they had higher performance on the science process skills. Whilst majority of the
participants were unable to provide correct definitions of the science process skills, they
performed well on the test that involved novel situations of the process skills. The
findings have implications for science teaching, learning and teacher education.