How can Students Generalize Examples? Focusing on the Generalizing Geometric Properties
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Cheongju Natioanl University of Education
Publication date: 2017-06-15
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Dong-Won Kim
Cheongju Natioanl University of Education, 2065 Cheongnam-ro, Seowon-Gu, 28690 Cheongju, Korea (South)
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(7):3771-3800
The purpose of this study is to determine the progression of exemplifying and example generalization by students.
Material and methods:
We investigated whether example generalization occurs by analyzing collected data by identifying whether students recognize, describe, and define general features of geometric examples. We also investigate how example generalization progresses by identifying students’ use of abduction, induction, diagrams and deduction.
As a result of this study, we revealed that the sub-mechanisms undertake the generalization of examples as supported by the coordination of abduction, induction, deduction, and the use of diagrams.
We empirically confirmed generalization by students through exemplifying and found that their generalization of examples involved the coordination of abduction, induction, deduction and the use of diagrams.