Computational thinking (CT) is one of the systematic tools in problem solving and widely accepted
as an important skill in the 21st century. This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the
Chemistry Computational Thinking (CT-CHEM) Module on achievement in chemistry. This study
also employed a quasi-experimental design with the participation of 85 form four students in
Malaysia. The three types of teaching approaches, namely CT-CHEM Module Plugged-in (CTMP),
CT-CHEM Module Unplugged + Plugged-in (CTMUP) and conventional method (CM), were
systematically designed and implemented. The achievement of students was measured using an
achievement test, where validity and reliability were justified and two-way ANCOVA was used to
analyse the data. Findings confirmed that the achievement of students in chemistry is significantly
higher in the CTMP group as compared with the CTMUP and CM groups. Instead, gender had no
significant effect on students’ chemistry achievement. This study concludes that when students
were exposed to teaching and learning strategies by integrated CT through plugged-in strategy
more effective than a combination of plugged-in and unplugged. Plugged-in visualisation
activities are more effective in increasing the understanding and achievement of students
compared with the combination of plugged-in and unplugged activities. Plugged-in through
visualisation activities is more effective than the combination of plugged-in and unplugged. This
is because, the abstract concept in electrochemistry is easier to understand by students through
the visualisation activity approach using a computer in explaining the important concepts in the
topic and because the whole content is interrelated.
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