The Academic Arab College for Education in Israel, Haifa, ISRAEL
The Science Education Center, The Institute of Applied Research, The Galilee Society, Shefar-Am, ISRAEL and Evolution Institute of Haifa University, Haifa, ISRAEL
Ministry of Education, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Al-Qasemi Academic College, Baka El-Garbiah, ISRAEL
Classroom climate and motivation plays a major role in the teaching-learning process. In this
study, we proposed a new teaching method (PBL-JD). “Problem-Based Learning” (PBL)-Jigsaw
Discussion (JD) (PBL-JD) is a student-centered teaching methodology applied in science
education; it ensures that the students are actively involved throughout the learning process. The
main aim of this research was to examine the effect of the PBL-JD method on students’ motivation
to learn science and on the science classroom climate. The participants of this pre-test – post-test
quasi-experimental research consisted of 204 tenth graders studying the blood circulation system.
Ninety-eight students were assigned to the experimental group and 106 to the control group. The
experimental group was taught using the PBL-JD method, whereas the control group used the
traditional non-PBL method, i.e., lecture-based learning. Two questionnaires (pre and post) were
distributed (one for evaluating motivation and another for evaluating the science classroom
climate). Significant differences were found among the experimental group, who improved their
motivation and their perception of the classroom climate.
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