Informal Formative Assessment Conversations in Mathematics: Focusing on Preservice Teachers’ Initiation, Response and Follow-up Sequences in the Classroom
This study highlighted the characteristics and patterns of preservice teachers’ informal formative
assessment conversations woven into mathematics classrooms. Participants were four preservice
teachers from an elementary mathematics methods course whose videotaped lessons were
analyzed using an analytic framework based on Initiation, Response and Follow-up (IRF)
sequences. Findings indicated that the patterns of IRF sequence were varied across the preservice
teachers, although they taught the same topic. We also found common patterns in their IRF
sequences in that preservice teachers mainly initiated and drove classroom conversations of
mathematics, while students’ roles were passive. In addition, they used frequent follow-up
questions; however, most of them were closed questions intended to guide students to quickly
give correct responses. Regarding feedback, their feedback were mostly made to affirm or
elaborate on what students said or to clarify meanings of statements, not to explore students’
initial ideas or reasoning processes.
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