K12 Teacher Credentialing Containing Engineering Content in the USA
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Texas A&M University, U.S.A.
Online publication date: 2017-09-12
Publication date: 2017-09-12
Corresponding author
Burhan Ozfidan   

Texas A&M University, 1301 harvey rd. apt. 200, College Station, 77840 College Station, United States
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2018;14(1):3-13
To gain a better understanding of the landscape of State credentialing options related to the teaching of engineering at the K12 level, NAE/BOSE commissioned this paper and study that describes this landscape and provide relevant details for as many States as it is possible to do so. This project includes the taxonomy of the various types of credentialing offered by each State, and it defines these different types of credentials. A two-phase research method was used in order to investigate each State credentialing/certification program. The first phase of the method examined each State credentialing/certification program through the individual State Department of Education. The second phase focused on Career and Technical Education (CTE) credentialing/certification programs that contain engineering and/or engineering design content. A member check technique was used to help improve the accuracy, credibility, validity, and transferability of the study. Each State credentialing/certification program was thoroughly examined through State Department of Education and CTE teacher credentialing pathways. The results indicate that 94.2% of State teacher credentialing/certification programs contain engineering or engineering design content; however, 5.8% of State teacher credentialing programs do not include any engineering content. Each of these credentialing/certification areas also requires a test that contains engineering content.
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