Learning Science through the
PDEODE Teaching Strategy:
Helping Students Make Sense of
Everyday Situations
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Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, TURKEY
Publication date: 2008-01-22
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2008;4(1):3-9
The aim of this study was to investigate effectiveness of PDEODE (Predict-Discuss-
Explain-Observe-Discuss-Explain) teaching strategy in helping students make sense of
everyday situations. For this, condensation concept was chosen among many science
concepts since it is related to many everyday-life events. Forty-eight eleventh graders
students were involved in this study. In order to assess students’ application of their
knowledge to problem solving in everyday situations, a test including two everyday
problems were presented to them as pre- and post-test. As an intervention phase, two
PDEODE tasks were utilized to teach condensation. The test scores were analyzed both
qualitative and quantitative methods. Statistical analysis using paired t-test of student test
scores point to statistically significant differences in tests and total scores (p<0.05)
suggesting that the PDEODE teaching strategy either facilitates students to help students
make sense of everyday situations or helps students to achieve better conceptual
understanding for the concept of condensation.