Levels of Interaction Provided by Online Distance Education Models
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Near East University, N.Cyprus
Quality in Open Learning Consultancy, Sweden
Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Publication date: 2017-04-18
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(6):2733-2748
Interaction plays a significant role to foster usability and quality in online education. It is one of the quality standard to reveal the evidence of practice in online distance education models. This research study aims to evaluate levels of interaction in the practices of distance education centres. It is aimed to provide online distance education models through provided levels of interaction. Interaction and Satisfaction Survey was used in this study to collect quantitative data. This survey consists of personal information, student-student interaction, student-teacher interaction, student-content interaction, student-interface interaction and student satisfaction. In addition, interview was conducted to gather qualitative data. This research study is significant by highlighting the importance of student satisfaction in order to catch quality in the online distance education models. In this respect, this research study revealed that there is an intensified need to make aware learners, teachers and other parties on student-student interaction, student-teacher interaction, student-content interaction, student-interface interaction.
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