Lithuanian University Students’
Knowledge of Biotechnology and
Their Attitudes to the Taught
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University of Siauliai, Siauliai, LITHUANIA
Vilnius Pedagogical University, Vilnius, LITHUANIA
Publication date: 2008-10-22
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2008;4(3):269-277
The impact of genetic engineering on peoples’ everyday life has become present reality. In
order to establish the level of the available schoolchildren and university students’
knowledge of biotechnology, various investigations have been conducted. However, the
current situation in Lithuania remains unclear. A total of 287 students - pre-service
teachers from Lithuanian universities participated in the survey focused on attitudes to
and knowledge of biotechnology. Our results confirmed the conclusions reached in other
countries: students’ knowledge of biotechnology is very miserable and attitudes frequently
contradict one another. Research results clearly show the necessity for the increase and
development of teacher training in the field of biotechnology and point to the ability to
obtain and apply knowledge at international level in work practice. Research confirmed
the opinion that the history and principles of developing biotechnologies as well as a legal
and institutional system of using biotechnologies in Lithuania and the European Union
needed to be more exhaustively introduced to all students.