This paper aims to examine the impact of knowledged staff’s subjective person-career fit on the knowledged staff’s career subjective well-being. Moreover, this study further investigated the subjective person–career fit could be influenced by the career self-management and perceived organizational support. However, the antecedents of knowledged staff’s person-career fit seemed to have been under-investigated in the management literature. A questionnaire survey was used as a research instrument, and 221 full-time knowledged employees from China took part in the investigation. The hypotheses were tested by using partial least squares and structural equation modeling tool. The results confirmed that good subjective person-career fit would significantly increase the knowledged staff’s career subjective well-being. Yet, the results also suggested that career self-management and perceived organizational support are the mechanisms that promoted this relation. This paper made a valuable contribution to career literatures discussions about the effect of career self-management and organizational support on the knowledged staff’s subjective person-career fit. This paper also would be useful to the academic communities, the public and other interested parties who are interested in improving individual career subjective well-being during their periods of career.
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