Mathematics Educational Values of College Students' Towards Function Concept
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Cumhuriyet University, Turkey
Publication date: 2006-01-23
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2006;2(1):82-102
Mathematics is usually seen as a field in which there is value-free. Such a situation causes only a few
studies about values teaching to be done in mathematics education. But, mathematics is a field that has various values
in it, and that must be considered seriously from this perspective. Values are taught implicitly rather than explicitly in
mathematics classes when comparing to others. Function concept also take place among the most essential concepts
of mathematics. It concept has affected the whole maths cirruculum. Therefore, being unable to comprehend this
concept will make mathematical concepts understanding harder. Knowledge defiencies of teachers and undergrade
students this concept understanding much harder. So, in this article, it has been tried that the mathematics students'
mathematics educational values towards function concept have been determined. The subject of this work consist of
undergrade students who have studied at Cumhuriyet University in Sivas and also Cumhuriyet University's
Mathematics Educational Department in Sivas. Data were collected from 10 open-ended and 11 items reasons of
question choose. As a result of this research, it was realized that the students from all grades preferred, in terms of
learning the function concept, those questions that hold the formalistic view values, relavance values, instrumental
understanding/learning values, accessibility values, and reasoning values.