Mathematics Teachers’ Professional
Development through Lesson Study
in Indonesia
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The State University of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA
Publication date: 2007-06-22
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2007;3(2):141-144
Observable practices of mathematics teaching in the period of the year 2001-2003 also
indicated that many teachers still have difficulty in elaborating the syllabus; a number of
mathematics topics are considered to be difficult for teachers to teach; a significant
number of children consider some mathematics topics as difficult to understand; teachers
consider that they still need guidelines for conducting teaching process by using science
process skills approach. Results of the initiated Lesson Studies significantly indicated that
there are improvements of the practice of secondary mathematics teaching learning
processes in term of teaching methodology, teacher competencies, students achievements,
alternative evaluation, teaching learning resources and syllabus. However, in term of the
longer term for teacher development program, the result of initiated Lesson Studies can be
perceived as merely a starting point. There are still many things to be done in order that
mathematics teachers develop their professional development.