Methodology for the Development of Search and Research Skills of Prospective Math Teachers in a Course on Mathematical Physics Equations
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Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, KAZAKHSTAN
Syrdariya University, KAZAKHSTAN
Kh. Yasavi International Kazakh-Turkish University, KAZAKHSTAN
South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University, KAZAKHSTAN
Online publication date: 2017-10-24
Publication date: 2017-10-24
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(11):7223-7236
This research proposes theoretical and methodological recommendations that would develop search and research skills applied by prospective math teachers while teaching a course on mathematical physics equations. The research findings include the first-ever attempt to set up and solve the challenge of developing students’ search and research skills when being taught a course on mathematical physics equations through a specially developed methodology. The authors propose a structural content model of search and research skills, and define the types of mathematical problems that facilitate the development of search and research skills used by prospective math teachers when teaching a course on mathematical physics equations.
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