Mobile Interactive Translation Teaching Model Based on “Internet +”
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Graduate School, Xi’an International Studies University, Shaanxi 710128, CHINA
Online publication date: 2017-10-03
Publication date: 2017-10-03
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Fang Qiao   

Graduate School, Xi’an International Studies University, Shaanxi 710128, China
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(10):6705-6714
Nowadays, we have entered a new era of globalization and information. The new information technology featured by Internet and computer has permeated every sphere of our lives and affected our viewpoint of consuming and life-style. As for translation teaching, the traditional translation-teaching model cannot satisfy the needs of modern education. In China, the translation teaching based on Internet has become the norm. And more and more people have accepted the mobile learning model. Under such background, this study analyzes the features of mobile teaching and constructs a new model of mobile interactive translation teaching from the perspective of constructivism. The paper also preliminarily testified the new model by taking three different social interactive tools that are most popular in China as example, that is, WeChat, QQ, and Micro-blog. The result shows that this new model based on “Internet +” can improve translation teaching and learning.
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