This research investigates parental involvement’s effects on high school students’ self-esteem,
anxiety, attitudes, and mathematics achievement. The study included 1,337 students from 11 high
schools in Hanoi, Vietnam, chosen via convenience sampling. Participants in this research were
asked to answer the questionnaires. The partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLSSEM) method was utilized to explore the direct and indirect relationships between parents’
involvement and students’ mathematics performance. Results reveal that parental involvement
and expectations positively affect students’ mathematics achievement. Parental involvement
negatively impacts students’ attitudes toward mathematics; however, parental expectations
positively impact students’ attitudes toward mathematics. Parental involvement decreases
students’ negative self-esteem, while parental expectation increases students’ negative selfesteem. Notably, parental involvement helps weaken students’ anxiety in mathematics, but the
more anxiety students have, the lower their mathematics achievement. It is recommended that
parents and students should have more daily conversations. Parents should not place their
excessive expectations and involvement on their children.
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