Probing Preservice Teachers' Understandings of Scientific Knowledge by Using a Vignette in Conjunction with A Paper and Pencil Test
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Gazi Universitesi, Ankara, Turkey
Publication date: 2006-01-23
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2006;2(1):53-70
The purpose of this study was to examine how prospective middle school science teachers understood
and identified types of scientific knowledge in a presented vignette. Also, their definitions and views of the
relationships between types of scientific knowledge (i.e. scientific facts, concepts, generalizations, theories, and
scientific laws) were investigated through open-ended questions. Additionally, participants were given the Nature of
Scientific Knowledge Scale (NSKS) after they responded the open-ended questions. Therefore both qualitative and
quantitative data were obtained about their understandings and views about scientific knowledge. Thirty six
participants responded the questionnaires at the end of the spring semester 2005. During this semester participants
were in their junior year and enrolled in a 'history and nature of science' course in which 16th and 17th century
scientific revolution and the historical background leading to those developments were discussed. Participants
received no specific instruction about the definitions of types of scientific knowledge like theories and laws. Analysis
of the quantitative data obtained via NSKS show that participants hold a view favoring the tentativeness of scientific
knowledge and mostly appreciate the developmental nature of science. While, on the other hand, analysis of the
qualitative data obtained through the open-ended questions illustrate that participants hold a stepwise development
view in science assigning the tentativeness in science to theories and lower steps. Overwhelmingly they emphasize
that scientific laws reflect proven truth and in a sense absolute. These findings show the usefulness of utilizing
appropriate vignettes for probing views. The results are disscussed in the light of existing literature and implications
are provided.